(Kadee will be speaking on November 23rd in the Washington Fields 10th Ward @ 11:00 a.m.)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Newark, Delaware folks! It's a real place!

Ma Familia! 

I want to start off by telling you that Sister Ririe is amazing. She has such a desire to work hard, she is obedient, and full of love. I am so grateful to be with her. I know that we will learn so much from each other.

This area is very different from my last area. I've learned that just when you think you've got missionary work "figured out"...you'll get transferred! For that I am grateful. The Lord can't work with someone who doesn't need to rely on Him every step of the way. This is going to be a huge adjustment for me, but I continue to pray for courage and a sense of direction. I am learning to be so grateful for my trials. Which is hard to say while you're in them, but I appreciate them because I can see how much I will learn and grow from them. I look forward with faith with the knowledge that I can become more like my Savior every single day. I love Him so much, and I am so grateful for His perfect example to me. 

This is the Rios family. Miguel and Maritza are investigating right now. We've been blessed enough to have an amazing relationship with them! They are an amazing family. 

Sister Kadee Taylor

1 comment:

  1. Kadee is doing such a fantastic job in the mission field! We are so proud of Kadee and hope you'll take the time to post and respond to her letters so that she'll have these thoughts and messages for years to come...
